* Here's a quick tutorial for ReShade (it's free): If frame freezes when you start streaming, try switching out and back again to the game window Some games support SBS, but you can also use Tridef, Vireio, VorpX or ReShade* to add it Check that the correct 3D mode is set, either Fake 3D enabled for non-VR games running at a 4:3 or 8:9 resolution ratio, or disabled for non-VR games in Side By Side (16:9 double 3 D image). If image is partial, try disabling Display Scaling in Windows Compatibility tab or enable/disable the DPI fix checkbox in Trinus Video tab For non-VR games, change the Capture Mode (Game, General, Compatible). Either way, keep in mind the PC might start using the hotspot internet connection, so best to switch mobile data if you are using a limited data plan. The usual IP for Android wifi hotspot is (and the one for usbtethering is This can be changed in Network tab>Set IP textbox. If using mobile hotspot, you may also need to set the IP address manually (give the network discovery process a few seconds before trying that). When using USB tethering, the PC will use the phone to connect to the internet unless you change Windows network selection priority Manually set the IP address and port in Trinus PC Server, matching Trinus Android client

Otherwise the connection might fail or be slower USB Tethering may require updating Windows USB drivers from your phone's manufacturer. Ensure phone and PC are on the same network (Wifi) or Tethering is working (USB)

There are some common issues that can occur for certain configurations.