There was more than a year between 1.0 and Tropical Bash.

In any case, if you look at the release cadence, you can’t help but notice the sharp change: Patch What ever happened to quality over quantity? But honestly, that’s the least of our problems. Both the King Fleshpound and Abomination seem to have taken very little effort to create. Which at the time was rather unusual, since what took TWI 2 years before now took less than 2 months. We also got 2 new bosses in just a couple of months, as in, the boss count doubled. Then TWI released the 2017 Halloween Horrors update, and then also the 2017 Twisted Christmas update. The state of the game was really healthy at this point, and the community was thriving. Since I also happen to be a Linux Server veteran and a graphomaniac, then I went as far as to compile a complete guide and an automated installer so that others could follow suit, because I believed everyone deserves to experience KF2 the way we did.

We hung out regularly on my own server, which was great because I could get any custom maps, and we decided who stays and who has to leave if refuses to cooperate, as is necessary in a coop game. Then we came full circle because I convinced my friends to get KF2. I became a regular somewhere between the 2017 Summer Sideshow and the 2017 Halloween Horrors. Then KF2 was on sale so I gave it a try as well, and for whatever reason it was way more entertaining to me. I can’t really put my finger on it, I simply feel that while KF1 is way scarier than KF2, it’s just not very enjoyable as a game. The Humble Store even offered it for free at the time, so I did just that.

I did so because I had a couple of friends who were playing KF1 for quite some time, and they convinced me to give it a try. Let’s start with who I am in regards to KF2: I bought the game in the summer of 2017 and started playing regularly in the autumn of the same year. Guys, you’re in for a long ride, so brace yourselves.